Monday, September 12, 2011

Welcome to Nova Scotia....

Not many people say to themselves, lets spend at least 24 hours in a car driving with a 2.5 year old and a 10 month old, but we're that family. You know, the family that pretends we can all get along for two days trapped inside of a vehicle, and I'm happy to report, with each trip we make to Nova Scotia we get one step closer to becoming a really good travelling family. Aside from a major meltdown ten minutes from our hotel after 12 hours on the road, we did really great. Big N is finally old enough to understand why we are making her sit in the car for so long and Little N is still little enough that we can put him into a drowsy milk state.
We had a great time visiting family and waking up to a beautiful view of the Bras d'or lake. We ate well, and spent a ton of time outside enjoying what turned out to be the best two weeks of summer.

Little N received his very first hair cut during our visit, and yes, those are pictures of my kids at the salon. Can you take a guess who their awesome hairdresser is?

I'll have to get some more pictures sent to me. It appears I was too busy having fun to document our vacation.

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