Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pink Painting

Pink is a fun colour. It just happens to almost be Big Cousin's third birthday. So, Big N and I have been working on some artwork to put in her room. During our most recent visit, we found out that she had a new pink and brown monkey themed room, so, we're taking that into consideration in our artwork.

We made some pink paint (while trying to instill the fact that red and white mixed together makes pink, did she understand, no likely not, but I tried.) Then, came the tough part, trying to make chocolate brown paint from only primary colours. Since it's been a really long time since I took any form of art (like 15 years), I resorted to a good ole' google search. Supposedly, equal parts of red and green make brown. Well, maybe if you squint really hard or are colour blind, what I made might have been brown, but it was pretty much black. So, I tried again, this time adding yellow and red and green and blue and black and white, and guess what, it was almost brown. So, I had Big N start her painting.

Then after looking at it again and again, I decided our almost brown colour was really more olive green. So, I just kept telling Big N to use more pink, eventually taking away the "brown" option. We worked on what kind of designs we wanted to put into the art, and ended up with a circle pattern.

Now, I have a plan for this artwork, but I have to wait and give it a try before I reveal it. Just in case my art skills are really horrible, I would hate to disappoint the recipient before she even gets it.

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