Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Soap Crayons

Late last week Big N and I were bored (it happens a lot these days), so we embarked on an adventure making soap crayons. It's a super easy activity and doesn't require a lot of preparation, or unknown ingredients.
First we grated some bars of soap (the cheapest bars we had on hand, this time it was Lever 2000) while sitting on a big blanket so I didn't have to slip and fall on the floor once this activity was over.

We separated our grated soap pieces into three separate bowls and added a different colour of food colouring to each bowl. We added just a little water to each bowl, and then we mixed each bowl together until we had somewhat of a uniform colour and consistency.
After I convinced Big N that we were done having fun (about a half hour later), we put the three colours into a long ice cube tray. We let this sit for five days or so.

I just took the crayons out of the molds tonight, now they aren't that beautiful by any means, they still turned out. I'll have Big N try them out tomorrow in the tub to see how they work.

Now if we were to do this activity again, I would likely use the smaller grater on the soap pieces. As you can see, there are still pretty huge chunks of white soap pieces. I think with a smaller grater, it would have turned into a better hunk of soap.
You can see this and other great toddler activities over at My Delicious Ambiguity: Tot Tuesday

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