Friday, July 8, 2011

June Wall

I'm a little behind in posting since we've had a busy week with Canada Day camping, and my big birthday, but here's how our June wall turned out.

I would like to add that the wall didn't always look like this, at one point it was a really cute calendar with special pictures for all the important dates we had during the month. But, when you have a toddler with little hands, it can be hard to convince her that ripping tape off the wall shouldn't be done, and in reality, it's not a battle I care to fight, since it usually involves a lot of screaming. I'm definitely of the "pick your battle" category. So, if you plan to do something similar, put it just a little bit higher on the wall if you'd like it left alone for the entire month.

It also appears that we didn't do too many other wall art for the month, probably because it finally turned SUMMER, and we spent endless hours outside.

Stayed tuned for the July wall, we've already got it started and it's taking shape quite nicely.

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