Monday, July 4, 2011

Monday Meal - Brocolli Salad

It's funny how taste buds change over time, I remember when I was young, I wouldn't even touch a salad unless it was a regular garden or Caesar salad, so recently, I've been testing out new salad recipes as it seems I don't mind changes these days. I've eaten a few broccoli salads in my day, but had never attempted one until we had a party on May 24 weekend. The salad is super easy to put together, and can be made a little bit in advance, and still turns out delicious. There's a million recipes out there, but this is what I did.


1 head of fresh broccoli
1 red onion
1/4 cup raisins
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup white sugar (scant)
2 tablespoons white vinegar


Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl. Mix the mayonnaise, white sugar and white vinegar together then mix into the dry ingredients. Chill and serve.

Next time I make this salad I will likely decrease the sauce just a little bit more, since it doesn't really need to be quite as saucy as I made it this time. Also, if you are making this for a party, don't mix it in the glass bowl you plan to serve in, it's a royal PITA to wipe down the edges of the bowl.

I served this for dinner with some sausages as we were having a BBQ, it was a simple meal to prepare while watching the kids.

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