Thursday, May 5, 2011

Book Review - You Made Me Love You

What do I like to do to wind down after a LONG day with the kids. Sit down with a delicious snack and enjoy some easy reading. I know lots of people that enjoy reading literary texts, but I enjoy reading anything that I don't have to think about; a book I can loose myself in. After months and months of reading strictly accounting textbooks, there's nothing better than a little mind numbing read.

I've decided to put down some quick book reviews so you know whether or not to pick up some of the things I have been reading.

Last night I finished "You Made me Love You" by Joanna Goodman. I get 90% of my books from the library and have a very thorough method of picking out what I like to read. It goes something like this, enter the library 20 minutes before closing. Go towards the non-fiction section. Find a book with a binding that is a bright colour, read title and immediately pick up or discard all based on colour and title. Now, this is highly scientific. If the book is by a Canadian Author, if the title is crappy it still wins points and may stay in my arms for the remainder of my browsing experience. I usually pick up 8-10 books while at the library and renew them three times before actually opening a single one. Then I sit down and for a period of two weeks read my heart out until my next library adventure.

Which leads me to my review of the above mentioned book. One point for being a Canadian Author. One point lost for making me confused on who the main characters are until about 70 pages into the book. Minus one point for not having chapter numbers for when my toddler knocks the book out of my hand and I can't remember where I was. Plus two points for having Toronto as a background and making me reminisce of my days living downtown. The book itself, was a good, mindless read, which I appreciate. All in all, if you like Canadian authors, I'd read another book by Joanna Goodman (if she has any more books out).

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