Saturday, June 4, 2011

Cornflake Squares

It has been a little warm here for the past week, which means, I really don't want to turn on the oven, because I really don't want to turn on the air conditioner. I think I have a phobia of air conditioners, because my reasoning for not turning it on is that once it is on it is ALWAYS too cold. It probably stems from working in an office building for the past five years where you end up wearing winter clothes in the middle of summer because it's so freakin' cold.

I still wanted a tasty treat one day, and something to do with the kids to take our minds off of how we were sweating while sitting still. So, we produced a batch of cornflake squares which are a regular family treat in my family growing up.


3 cups of Corn Flakes (or whatever cereal is handy)

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup peanut butter

1/2 cup corn syrup

Mix the brown sugar, peanut butter and corn syrup in heat proof bowl and microwave for about two minutes, just about to a boil. Stir in the Corn Flakes while still hot. Spread into 8x8 greased baking dish or something of a similar size and let set prior to eating. Depending on how hard you press the squares down will be how hard they are upon setting. If you double the recipe it fits nicely into a 9x12 pan as well.

For the past five years while making these, I've never once waited for them to set, and a few times haven't even bothered to put it into a baking dish, I have a problem with patience, but these are delicious while still warm.

As you may be able to guess from the picture, we only had cheerios on hand the day we decided to make these squares, and they were still delicious. I've tried the recipe with bran flakes as well, and although it's a little bit chewier, it's also a little bit healthier, so it's another viable option.

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