Saturday, June 18, 2011

Homemade Ice Cream (in a bag)

It felt like summer today, and what better way to spend a summer day than eating ice cream in the backyard. Downfall, we didn't have any ice cream. But, I thought back to one fine volunteer day that I had at work where we were helping at a summer camp, and there were kids making ice cream in a bag, and it seemed easy enough. So, off I went to visit my good friend google. Sure, enough, ice cream in a bag is simple and takes very few ingredients.
1 tbsp. sugar
1/2 cup milk
1/4 tsp. vanilla
6 tbsp. salt
1 sandwich size bag
1 bigger bag
Ice cubes

1. Fill the large bag half full of ice, and add the salt. Seal the bag.
2. Put milk, vanilla, and sugar into the small bag and seal it.
3. Place the small bag inside the large one and seal it again carefully.
4. Shake until the mixture is ice cream, about 5 minutes.
5. Wipe off the top of the small bag, the open carefully.
Now, if you do attempt this project make sure you are prepared for how freaking cold your hands will become after shaking a bag of ice for five minutes. WEAR GLOVES! We played all sorts of games with our bag, like who could throw it higher, whether or not we could throw it on the ground the farthest, just make sure you have your bags sealed super tight.
Oh, and don't forget that step about wiping off the small bag, I got a big mouthful of salt in on spoonful, that wasn't so tasty. We'll definitely make this again, it's perfect ice cream for a sundae, a little fruit and maple syrup would be delicious.

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