Thursday, June 23, 2011

Paper Bag Lady

Some days, I'm pretty sure I get more into craft time than my two year old and eight month old. For instance, we made this paper bag lady the other day, and I took the time to cut and style her newspaper hair. I carefully rolled each strand around a pencil and made her look just BEAUTIFUL! I had a bunch of paper bags to use up during craft time, so this craft started with us rolling up newspaper and shoving it into a paper bag. Big N LOVED that part. Then we inserted a cardboard roll from a box of tinfoil in her head and tied the full paper bag head to her. At this point, we had a big decision to make, what the heck are we going to do with this bag on this stick. I thought it would have made a good punching arm, but I figured I shouldn't teach my two year old things like that, so a person she became. We traced Big N's arms out on construction paper to attach to our paper bag lady, but they kept falling off with only glue, I think she needs cardboard arms. She'll sit here for a few days until I decide whether to add more to her, or carefully show her where the recycling goes on garbage day. Shhh...don't tell Big N that the big blue box isn't just a special spot for her crafts.

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