Monday, August 15, 2011

Accident Prone

I think Big N tries very hard to give me a heart attack on a daily basis. In the past couple of weeks she has:

1. Fallen at the park causing her front tooth to turn black and a trip to the dentist to learn that fingers crossed the tooth doesn't fall out. And that is a good thing kids have baby teeth, they are the "practice set"

2. Fallen out of bed TWICE, once the night before the dentist appointment, which led to a huge gash in her chin. I have NO CLUE, what she hit her face on, but there was tears and blood.

3. Been stung by a bee, on EACH leg. With that adventure we learned that WD-40 does a great job of taking out the sting and reducing swelling. Thankfully Uncle Bull knew that trick and our adventurous two year old was back at her antics in no time.

From now on I think we are just going to sit at home and do NOTHING. Seriously, my nerves can't take this parenting thing.

To go with this, Little N has:

1. Banged his head off the faucet while we were trying to wash his hands;

2. Fallen into the iron railing trying to stand up using it; and

3. Taken a few good falls in the tub while trying to crawl around Big N and pull the plug out.

Sheesh, where's the bubble wrap when you need it!

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